Bielik takes care of every detail. Comfort and safety are our main goals:

  • the stable has 15 individual bamboo stalls made by Hesz company
  • second building, fully heated, which contains the horse solarium (light treatment), two horse wash stalls with hot and cold water, horse wear laundry, kitchen with TV, toilet and guest shower. Outside there is a second horse wash stall with hot and cold water
  • covered horse exerciser made by Gilmet company with Regupol BEHATON BSW floor covering
  • outdoor arena 40x60m, indoor arena 25x40m, both equipped with a sprinkler system and professional grounding prepared by Equiprojekt (mixture of white sand and geo fibres)
  • sport paddocks
  • possibility of country ride straight from the stable
  • two guest rooms available for rent (double and a suit for 4 people, both with separate bathrooms)
The Bielik stable is open all year, from 06:00 until 22:00. Groomers work from 06:00 until 20:00. Horses are fed three times per day (06:30, 13:30, 18:30) with crushed oats and additional forage. Horses are on paddocks twice a day depending on weather conditions.
KJ Bielik Grzegorzewice
Macierzanki 19,
96-321 Grzegorzewice
mobile +48 695 150 520
Anna Małkowska-Jarońska
Marketing & Event manager
Opening hours:
06:00 – 22:00